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Search: tas
Tarragona acogerá el undécimo Encuentro de Gigantes de Escuela de Cataluña
Una quincena de escuelas catalanas pasearán sus gigantes por las calless del centro de Tarragona con motivo del undécimo Encuentro de Gigantes de Escuela de Cataluña, que por primera vez se celebra en las comarcas tarraconenses. El acto, organizado por el colegio Santo Domingo de Guzmán de Tarragona, tendrá lugar el próximo...
Tarragona escogerá las 4 mejores tapas de la ciudad en 18 días y entre 30 establecimientos
La Mejor Tapa Profesional, la Tapa Más Creativa, la Tapa más Identitaria y la Mejor Tapa Popular quedarán escogidas en Tarragona por primera este año 2009 vez cuando finalice el 'dtapes', una iniciativa que han promovido conjuntamente la Cámara de Tarragona y la Asociación de Empresarios de Hostelería de la Provincia de Tar...
Tarragona, candidata española a los XVIII Juegos del Mediterráneo de 2017
La asamblea del Comité Olímpico Español (COE) ha aprobado por unanimidad el proyecto de Tarragona como candidata única del Estado español a organizar los XVIII Juegos del Mediterráneo del año 2017, donde toman parte 21 países de la ribera del Mediterráneo. La candidatura de Tarragona ha dejado fuera la de Cartagena, que fin...
Tres Gracias de Reus y la procesión del Santo Entierro de Tarragona, centran la Semana Santa
Las dos principales ciudades del Camp de Tarragona, Reus y Tarragona, acaparan un intenso programa de Semana Santa, en el que destacan las Tres Gracias y la Procesión del Santo Entierro. Para conocer más sobre estas tradiciones y todo el detalle de los programas de la Semana Santa en est...
Premios Repsol al arte efímero
Hasta el 23 de mayo está abierta la inscripción para participar en la quinta edición de los Premios Repsol dedicados al arte efímero. El objectivo es inundar las calles del núcleo antiguo (la Part Alta) de Tarragona con el mensaje de artistas que, con sus propuestas, reiventan el paisaje urbano y lo convierten en un museo a...
The FIM is presented in Tarragona with a concert and Zahara Le Cirke
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. 26th April 2012. On 4 May the Music Fair Street Vilaseca offer the first taste of music in Room Zero Tarragona. With the captivating singer-songwriter pop and Zahara Tarragona Lecirke officially kick off the music FiM_Fira street of Vila-seca, which will take place from 11 to 13 May in the town. The...
The City of Salou launches 9 new wireless zones
Salou. Costa Dorada. The City of Salou has launched the new areas that expand the possibilities Local wireless internet for its citizens and visitors. A total of 9 new wireless zones are well marked and operational throughout the municipal territory. New Wi-Fi zones, always located in public spaces and avoid residential are...
Xic's Club joins the festival of winter with the white body
Salou. Costa Dorada January 25, 2013. The Department of Children living in the city of Salou actively winter festival of the town and across the Xic's Club has organized ten activities designed for children and families in the township. Without a doubt, above all, stands the third white body Xic'S (Friday, 1 February) which...
Return the white body Xic's (Activities for children)
The winter festival of Salou consolidates activities for children, with many free activities for specific children. Apart from the areas attractions for children such as inflatable year returns Xic's white body, which just celebrated its second edition. In this way the children will also enjoy the light and confetti of whit...
Zarzuela Chapí and children's shows this weekend at TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. Next Sunday, 10 April 2011 at 20 am at the Teatro Auditorium in Salou will be performing Zarzuela "La fin de Revoltosa and parties' who wants to be a tribute to Chapí known composer of this great musical genre. The ticket can be purchased at the office of the City of Culture Salou and through Servi Box ...
The TAS hosts this Sunday's grand final of the World Fashion Faces
Salou. Costa Dorada. 14th August 2012. The Department of Culture and Festivals of the City of Salou, in conjunction with agency Models Magda Simon, have organized a new edition of the World Fashion Faces 2012 Salou, who on Sunday reached the final from seven in the evening . The kids will enjoy participating in activities f...
Celebrations begin on 30 October with the preacher Vincent Villatoro
Salou. Costa Dorada. The festival starts on 30 October. The starting point of the celebrations will be the Catalan writer and journalist Vincent Villatoro, who will be responsible for making the opening speech at the plenary hall of the Town Hall on Tuesday evening at eight. During this week the streets of Salou filled with...
Students of the UEC approach to the restaurant Portofino in Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. November 21, 2012. The dozen students schooled in the Shared Education Unit (UEC) Salou tables today have changed from the center of Salou Athena for a cooking class at Portofino restaurant in the township. The students and the management team have spent an intense day away from the stove and have been ...
Els Tres Tombs reaches El Vendrell
El Vendrell. Costa Dorada. Next Sunday, February 13, the feast of the Tres Tombs reaches El Vendrell, after having received at various locations in Catalonia. As each year's edition will start at 9 am with lunch, which this year Botafoc done in the area (next to the stream of La Bisbal) which will last until at 11 morning. ...
Salou brings the world of puppetry for children
Salou. Costa Dorada. The Department of Children and Youth of the City of Salou in collaboration with the Xic's Club has organized a series of puppet shows for children in the family. The cycle is within the children's entertainment programming autumn 2010. The Councillor for Children and Youth, Julia Gomez, said that "we br...
The puppets of 'Cardboard Easel', at the TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. Cardboard easel is a performance poetry for children younger. From actress revives memories of his childhood, when reading poetry had become a fun, yet beautiful, discovering the world around him. Under this premise, the company of Prince Totilau closer to the house several smaller stories. We'll see ho...
The Top Ten of Arena's Kitchen, also in pesetas
Salou. Costa Daurada. Opened its doors in the new century and given currency and culinary landmark in the tourist resort of Salou. In the hand of a young and enthusiastic team, led by Chef Maribel Guardiola and the maître Albert Baldrich, Arena broke the image of a typical beach restaurant by a top-quality cuisine, based on...
The comedy ,By the front or behind ' reaches TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. On Saturday 26 November 2011, the Auditorium Theatre of Salou debut work 'in front and behind him "probably the funniest comedy ever written. Since it premiered in London in 1982 and after 5 years of movie that city has been continuously represented somewhere in the world. The total audience exceeds 12 ...
The best clown in the world performing this weekend at TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. March 14, 2013. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday known as the 'clown of clowns', Italian David Larible, go up on the stage of the Auditorium Theatre of Salou to bring the viewer a work "with soul, feeling and art" and that picks the best numbers of his life, said at a press conference Larible. The Counc...
Dream Theater, Joan and Dani Martin Pera, in the programming of this season Salou TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, and the Councillor for Culture, Maria Jose Rodriguez, presented the 23 November 2011 the program that will host the Auditorium Theatre of Salou (TAS) this season autumn-winter 2011-2012, where should disregard that despite the reduction in spending by 25% over last yea...
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