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Torredembarra. Municipal archive. Exhibition.
08 March 2010
Torredembarra. Municipal archive. Exhibition. Images Torredembarra, 2006-2009 From 5 to 19 March 2010 Castle Courtyard (plural del Castillo, 8). Hours: Monday through Friday from 10 am to 8 pm Free admission The artist Juan Ceballos City Council has donated Torredembarra destination with municipal archive of 72 color slid...
Torredembarra. Municipal archive. Exhibition.
07 March 2010
Torredembarra. Municipal archive. Exhibition. Images Torredembarra, 2006-2009 From 5 to 19 March 2010 Castle Courtyard (plural del Castillo, 8). Hours: Monday through Friday from 10 am to 8 pm Free admission The artist Juan Ceballos City Council has donated Torredembarra destination with municipal archive of 72 color slid...
Hospitalet de l'Infant. Plaza Cataluña. Wall.
17 August 2010
MURAL giant Hospitalet de l'Infant Plaza Catalunya Tuesday 18.30 6.7 Giant Mural 8.3 Giant Mural A large mural, great! where everyone can paint!
Hospitalet de l'Infant. Plaza Cataluña. Wall.
20 July 2010
MURAL giant Hospitalet de l'Infant Plaza Catalunya Tuesday 18.30 6.7 Giant Mural 8.3 Giant Mural A large mural, great! where everyone can paint!
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Sala Sant Pere. Exhibition.
02 July 2010
New painting exhibition at the Sant Pere Hall Today Friday, July 2, at 8pm, is scheduled inauguration of the exhibition of paintings by Joan A. Escriba. This exhibition can be seen in Peter Hall Infant L'Hospitalet until 13 July, Monday to Friday, from 5pm to 8pm. By Scribe, Mora d'Ebre neighbor born in 1932, this will be n...
Falset. Wine tasting.
02 May 2010
Friday May 2 10:00 Taste of the decade. We tasted wines of the vintage 2000 11:00 am Cooking with wine. Cooking competition. Square Quartera. Taste of Mines. Museum Bellmunt mines. Tasting Torroja del Priorat wineries. Cal Account (C / Major, 4). Reservations 619 023 779 619 023 779 . 1:00pm Taste of the House of vermouth A...
Alcover. anniversary exhibition of the Generalitat.
10 November 2010
Exhibition 560th. Anniversary of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with Carme Bergés in charge, at the Municipal Museum of Alcover - further information:
Alcover. anniversary exhibition of the Generalitat.
10 November 2010
Exhibition 560th. Anniversary of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with Carme Bergés in charge, at the Municipal Museum of Alcover - further information:
Alcover. anniversary exhibition of the Generalitat.
10 November 2010
Exhibition 560th. Anniversary of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with Carme Bergés in charge, at the Municipal Museum of Alcover - further information:
Alcover. anniversary exhibition of the Generalitat.
09 November 2010
Exhibition 560th. Anniversary of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with Carme Bergés in charge, at the Municipal Museum of Alcover - further information:
Alcover. anniversary exhibition of the Generalitat.
08 November 2010
Exhibition 560th. Anniversary of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with Carme Bergés in charge, at the Municipal Museum of Alcover - further information:
Alcover. anniversary exhibition of the Generalitat.
07 November 2010
Exhibition 560th. Anniversary of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with Carme Bergés in charge, at the Municipal Museum of Alcover - further information:
Torredembarra. Mestra Maria Antonia Library. Film Club.
30 November 2010
Tuesday 30 FILM CLUB 7pm (VO) Great Gatsby, directed by Jack Triton. Library Mistress Maria Antonia Federico Merino and Reading Club
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. scalextric and conference.
25 September 2010
4.30pm Old School Aster Hospitalet de l'Infant Scalextric Race the Pixerota 8:00pm Hall Infant Pere Hospitalet de l'Infant Lecture: "Hospital Gothic pedestrian L'Hospitalet de l'Infant." By Antonio Conejo, professor of art history at the University of Barcelona.
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Clay exhibition.
04 September 2010
Ceramics exhibiton by Núria Duró, from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm at the Sala Infant Pere
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Clay exhibition.
03 September 2010
Ceramics exhibiton by Núria Duró, from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm at the Sala Infant Pere
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Exhibition.
03 September 2010
8:00pm Hall Infant Hospitalet de l'Infant Ceramic Exhibition Nuria lasted. Open from 3-14 September. (6.30pm-8.30pm)
L'Hospitalet. Sala Sant Pere. Paintings exhibition.
04 July 2011
Painting exhibition: Llum i Color (Light and Colour), by Manel Castellnou and M. Victoria Margalef. Monday to Sunday, from 6 pm to 9 pm. In the Infant Pere exhibition hall
L'Hospitalet. Sala Sant Pere. Paintings exhibition.
03 July 2011
Painting exhibition: Llum i Color (Light and Colour), by Manel Castellnou and M. Victoria Margalef. Monday to Sunday, from 6 pm to 9 pm. In the Infant Pere exhibition hall
Costa Dorada. Costa Dorada at night. Concert.
13 May 2011
La Vaqueria 6 € 9.30pm Festival LadyFolk: inette & The Goldfish + Bannister Ride Folk, Barcelona LadyFolk, Barcelona festival devoted exclusively to female artists associated with folk who exercise their activities in the underground Catalan lands in Tarragona with this double bill. On one hand, Ninette & The Goldfish, a p...
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