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Cambrils / News / Shopping and Market

Next 8 December in the lobby of City Hall Salou

Charity Christmas Market to raise funds for cancer

The charity market aims to help fight cancer
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Salou. Costa Dorada. 27 November 2013. The 8th of December, Salou will receive the XXII Christmas Freesia Group fair. This is a Christmas Market with joint character in favour of the fight against the cancer.
The fair will be in the hall of the city council, and will open his doors since the 11:00 in the morning until the 18:00 in the afternoon.

This fair brings the Christmas to Salou. If you visit this market, you will have a good opportunity to be charitable and think in the Christmas gifts too. You can buy handmade things, artisans cakes and sweets, books, cds, dvds, gifts, or toys. In addition, you can do a walk for the market, to buy all you wish, and taste typical products.

The symbolic price of the entry is one euro for person (children have free entrance). The money will be entirely given to three Associations that investigate this illness: AFANOC Nens amb Càncer, CNIO Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas and AECC Asociación Española contra el Cáncer.

Is interesting to know the origins of this fair. It’s seems a Christmas story. It starts in November of the year 2002, when a group of people in Tarragona decided to organise a Christmas fair with an only objective. The common objective to make money to help in the fight against the Cancer.
When the market finalised, they give all the money to CNIO (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas) and the branch in Tarragona of the AECC (Asociación Española contra el Cáncer). Recently, it has added the AFANOC (Associació nens amb càncer), for a special project in Tarragona.

The continuity of this group makes the Freesia Group foundation. This group, has given more than 190.000€. They organises other activities to make money and help this associations (performances, raffles or auctions ...).

Practical data

- Time Market:
Since 11:00 a.m until 18:00 p.m

- Price of the entries:
Adults: €1 / person
Children: Free Entry

Tags: christmas market salou, charity market, freesia group, fighting cancer, christmas, traditional christmas products, city of salou, charitable fundraising
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