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Cambrils / News / Culture

Final schedule of the Palmfest 2012

Final Schedule TWINPALM 2012 You can check times and locations of all the actions planned for 2012 TWINPALM Friday 09.03 - Free admission Infant Pere Cultural Centre (Room Bonet Castellana) Welcome Party: 23.00 h. PALMFEST djs 00.00 h. Pau de Banyoles 01.30 h. Figa Saturday 10.03 - Free admission Infant Pere Cultural Centre (Room Bonet Castellana) 12.00h. Vermouth - Round Table. "Music and economic crisis. Present and future of the independent scene" Saturday 10.03 Infant Pere Cultural Centre (Auditorium) Concerts: 17.00 h. Caustic Dave Roll 18.30. Espaldamaceta 20.00 h. Evripidis and His Tragedies 21.30 h. Mr. Chinarro 23.00 h. Don Simon and Telefunken Saturday 10.03 - Free admission Infant Pere Cultural Centre (Room Bonet Castellana) Rest Area: 17.45 h. Helmut 19.15 h. Saru 20.45 h. Napoleon 22.15 h. Wilk.o (Cienwatios / TGN) Saturday 10.03 Hifrensa Casal. TWINPALM Club Night 23.00 h. God Save The Beat DJs 02.30 h. El Chico bionico (2 PIAS DJs) 04.00 h. Nogue

Tags: costa dorada, museums, literary awards, theaters, concerts, music, festivals
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