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Cambrils / News / Art

Tarragona promotes the publication of a guide on the Costa Dorada

Tarragona. Costa Dorada. 25th May 2012. The Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government has worked with El País-Aguilar in the publication of a comprehensive guide that covers the attractions of the Costa Dorada. The publication contains over 200 pages of practical information on cultural and commercial area, as well as recommendations on accommodation and restaurants, monuments and presents images and most emblematic of the landing of the Catalan coast. Published in Spanish, the guide has published 3,000 copies, which are distributed throughout Spain, and is structured around 9 blocks: Magazine, General Information, Tarragona and Tarraco Prades Mountains, Priorat, Salou and the Costa de Mestral, Cistercian Lands, the Coastal Route and Via Augusta. With text and photos of David Revell Raphael Delgado, the publication has a cost of 33,000 euros, half of which have been provided by the Province of Tarragona. In addition to the sponsorship of the Provincial Tourism Office, the guide also has the collaboration of the Tourism Sector Council Altafulla, the municipal Tourism Calafell Cambrils, Hospitalet de l'Infant Valley and the bay, Montroig Camp, Roda de Bara, Tarragona, Torredembarra, El Vendrell, Vilaseca and Salou and the Consortium for the Management of Tourism Competitiveness Plan of Roman Tarraco. The owner of the Gold Coast was presented today at the Amphitheatre of Tarragona Tourism Board Chairman of the Council, Albert Batet, and the director of El País-Aguilar Maite Suñer. During his speech, Batet said it is a tool "very educational", and "a valuable tool for promoting our territory: landscape and our culture, our traditions of our heritage and rich cuisine of Tarragona ", among many other attractions. Roman Tarraco, Reus Modernista, the Cistercian Route, castles, onions, beaches. Assets that are highlighted by the President of the Tourist Board and, as he said, "only we have." "The guidance we present today enhances important assets of our territory," and presents the Gold Coast "not only as a destination for sun and beach, but as a place of great scenic and cultural value." Moreover, Batet has praised the fact that this action has been carried out in coordination with a total of 12 boards and tourist offices in the area, and highlighted the 'capacity of understanding "of organisms promoting tourism in the region. Finally, after showing his gratitude to the agencies and partners own the publishing group, the president of the Provincial Tourist Board stressed the importance of Catalan and Spanish markets to the Gold Coast, "which represent around 54% of tourists received annually, "and noted that the guide will become an excellent tool for promoting our territory among this group. In turn, the director of El País-Aguilar, Maite Suñer, said that the publication on the Gold Coast is part of the collection SPIRAL (a collection now has 22 national and international destinations) and stressed that "if we decided to edit this guide is offered by the incomparable attractions this area, ideal environment for family tourism on the coast to the interior." Suñer has revealed that the Gold Coast offers more than sun and sand, "history, culture, gastronomy and nature of land and sea, plus a privileged climate and landscape."

Tags: costa dorada, alió, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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