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L'Onada Restaurant obtains the Golden Fork and wins the IV Tarragona DTapas

Tarragona. Costa Daurada. 11th May 2012. L'Onada Restaurant del Serrallo has been the winner of the fourth edition of Tarragona DTaP, initiative organized by the Chamber of Tarragona and AEH, in achieve the Golden Fork, according VOTING presential of tapejadors. "Three phase of Tuna" has achieved also be the best lid of your zone, the Serrallo, so has been awarded the Fork of Plata. The other two Forks have been for Xamfrà del Forum - XDF. Fork of Plata for best lid del Centre covering their "Dim Sum XDF". AND for Restaurant Barhaus with "Knelo-Cric-Crak", best Fork of Plata for best lid of the Part Alta. La Millor TapaNuit has been by Casino of Tarragona and its "Chivas Cooler". The act of delivery of the Forks del IV Tarragona DTaP has counted with the presence of Xavier Pellicer, chef of Can Fabes (two stars Michelin), that has godfathered the fourth edition of an initiative which has consolidated as everything a gastronomic referent in Catalonia. Josep Fèlix Ballesteros, mayor of Tarragona, has supported also this important initiative dynamizing of city. In the turn of parliaments has become apparent that Tarragona DTaP, the first contest and tapas' route of the Districts of Tarragona, has been a unprecedented success to level of influx of participants and regard to quality of the lids and the service. AND all this has been thanks to the trust of establishments participants, sponsors and all those that have made confidence in this initiative. From the organization has been wanted thank very sincerely the effort and dedication that has expended in this initiative, that us has consolidated, a more year, as the Capital Catalan of the Tapas and gastronomic referent in Catalonia. The only fright the we had in the computer attack to voting system to internet, but was solve through the vote presential that has had a very wide response and participation for part del public. The opinion of tapejadors who voted of form presential is what prevails for choosing the winners. "Our first goal this year era further enhance quality of the proposals gastronomic and the service. Ho we achieved amply and both is well that we improved in a aspect that also is relevant, but that for us was not transcendent, as is the number of tapas served. We have overcome the of last year, sourcing, with an increase of 30 percent and eight establishments have exceeded the 7,000 tapas served and two have approached the 10,000 tapas sold ", has said the Chamber President. "But our satisfaction is see how the initiative has rooted with very strength, unthinkable four years ago. La Generalitat has recognized to Tarragona DTaP and everywhere arise initiatives that, insofar of peoples and cities where are proposed, follow our estela. This means that it we follow doing well and that we had a designed wise. AND this is good, especially, for our economy and by undeniable dynamising role that a citizen initiative of this scope achieves generate ", has pointed Albert Abelló, president of the Chamber of Tarragona.

Tags: costa dorada, tarragona, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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