The Jic Jac Joc and Parc Jove fills the Easter in Vila-seca
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. The pavilion will host town during the days 18, 19, 20 and 21 April 2011 Jic Jac traditional games for children in the municipality from 0 to 12 years. Younger children may enjoy workshops and activities in a single place where they can draw, draw, design and play in the park, among other activities. The park will open from 5 to 8pm and will include the collaboration of several entities of the municipality and fifty young volunteers. During these days, children have a free shuttle service to the towns of La Pineda and La Plana. For young people 12 to 30 years, will develop sporting activities in the park couple of Easter, which will be held ial'Espai Young Municipal Stadium the next 19, 20 and 21 April. 10 to 13 hours will be sporting at the Municipal Stadium and 16 to 21 hours, Espai Jove (C / Sant Antoni, 24). Young people who are interested in participating may register the day of activity before or at time of the Youth Space, Tuesday through Saturday and from 17 to 21 hours.
Tags: costa dorada,
la pineda,