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Cambrils / News / Art

Events for all ages, highlights of the first Sunday in Winter Festival

Events for all ages, highlights of the first Sunday in Winter Festival Salou. Costa Dorada. January 27, 2013. Salou has lived on a Sunday morning well packed festival of events for young and old. The morning started with the 19th popular ride where about 250 people participated. All have pedal for an hour fulfilling the tradition of one of the most traditional festival and is organized by the Cycling MTB Salou and Sports Department of the City of Salou. At eleven in the morning, all participants found the Paseo Jaime I street parking to the Sea, to recharge your batteries with a sausage and a snack. At half past twelve in the Plaza de la Paz has taken the form of giants planted this year have come close to Salou, a total of fifteen groups participated in the XXVII Meeting of Giants that has elapsed in Salou great atmosphere festive gathering cough entourage elements in several locations in Plaza de la Paz. After a massive breakfast for participants in TAS were planted giants, giants and the giants and dwarves and Manot which have left much photographed by the public that it has brought. It was a very colorful event that has started a parade around noon. All groups of giants and hundreds of pipers added salouenca not have to miss the opportunity to see the streets of the city parade procession of festive items. This year saw the parade of the llumeneta Perafort along with Grallers Perafort, Giants and pipers Calafell, the Japanese giant Reus, Giants and Esmarris Creixell pipers, pipers and the Giants Almoster , the giant "White" of the tree, and the Giants Falset pipers, pipers and Aiguafreda Giants, Giants Torroja Paseo de Tarragona Giants and San Antonio pipers Montroig; Giants Siurana , Giants and pipers of St. Peter and St. Paul, and the municipality have seen tadpoles Salt-and-out, along with the Mule Salou, plus Grallers "Raining Gralles" Vilaplana and Giants pipers Salou. The Mayor and the Councillor Pere Granados Festivities, Maria Jose Rodriguez, along with other council members have greeted the participants viewed the parade of all the traditional elements. "It's a very special day where traditional activities, sports associations, cultural ... where many people demonstrates their commitment to the party and to show their commitment to society and visitors salouenca the potential we have as a municipality "said the Councillor for Festivities, Maria Jose Rodriguez. But this morning, the tournament was also held in the outdoor swimming youngest municipality in addition to the family treasure hunt organized by Chic's Club, where nearly a hundred families signed up and participated together with their children the route that has been mounted in the place of TAS. The inflatable games were also present at the party this morning. When finished, have drawn six batches of tickets to enjoy free passes to the fair Xic's installed there until the next 4 to Tarragona Street. At one o'clock, when the activities for children reaches its end, the Sardana dance at the Plaza de la Paz accompanied by the song starts with a young Reus fifty people.

Tags: costa dorada, almoster, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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