Cambrils / Professionals / Sports and nautical activities
Fishing Tourism Cambrils offers two activities to experience first hand the experience of a day fishing
A partir de 68 euros
Port de Cambrils Cambrils
Fishing Tourism Cambrils 2013.
Fishing Turism Cambrils 2013, Costa Dorada.
Fisching Turism Cambrils 2013, P. Bomba.
Turism & Fishing in Cambrils.
Turism & Fishing.
Your capture the fishing vessel.
Lives in first-person experience of a day sailor:
This is a great opportunity, unique to the Costa Dorada to experience firsthand a full day fishing, either on board a trawler boat with sailors enjoying the second day in a boat more comfortable authorized to transport passengers. In addition, you can enjoy parallel activities related to fishing and food, and the ability to enjoy a seaside ranch.
The offer consists of two packages to experience live the experience an unforgettable day at sea: Fishing-Fishing and Tourism Tourism
Fishing Tourism Experience Fishing Tourism is the activity that immerses you in the feelings of most fishermen. This proposal is aimed at people with adventurous spirit who wanted to enjoy a day in the sea. This activity is embarked aboard the boat trolling P.Bomba to experience live professional fishing one day, from the harbor that morning until you get to the afternoon. This activity aims to discover the daily life of fishermen: the navigation, the puff, lifted the network and the choice of catches and landings. In addition, throughout the day various activities are scheduled to make the experience more enjoyable and rewarding, like savoring, accompanied by the crew, a sailor ranch.
To participate, users must be at least 7 years, and minors must be accompanied by an adult responsible for them.
Each day will ship up to 4 people.
Monday to Friday, from June to September.
Starting at 6:15 am and arriving at the port at 17:00 pm.
Starting and finishing: Fishing Port Theater.
Price: 150 euros per person.
Tourism Fishing However, experience Fishing Tourism is an activity designed and adapted to a wider audience and for all ages. It is also an activity that can be done in groups, because every day there can embark up to 25 people. Fishing Tourism will present the work of a trawler boat from a second boat, more convenient and comfortable. In addition, throughout the day users will enjoy activities such as tours of the Fishermen and the Port of Cambrils, a seaside lunch made from the same boat drag, and again in the afternoon when port, users can see the choice of catches and landings. An experience that reveals how close to real and comfortable the harshness and beauty of the marine world.
Activity for families, groups, schools, associations ...
Each day will ship between 10 and 25 people.
Monday to Friday throughout the year except May and June to ban biological.
Starting at 8:00 am and arriving at the port at 11:30 am.
In 1130, and 1300 tour, ranch sailor.
From 16.00 to 17.00, arrival of fishing boat, landing catches and visit the boat P.Bomba.