Tarragona. XI Simposium on Labour law and social security
04 March 2010
La Riba
Tarragona. XI Simposium on Labour law and social security Morning 9:00 Delivery of documentation 9.15-10.00 Opening of Conference XV, by, among other authorities, the Hon Mr. Joseph Felix Ballesteros Casanova, Mayor of Tarragona, the Rt. Mr. Xavier Sabaté ibarz, Government Delegate of the Government at Tarragona Mr. Josep Maria Solanes Segura, Director of Regional Services Working in Tarragona, and dr. Spanish Sorribas Jose Santiago, Vice President of External Relations URV. PANEL 1: EMPLOYMENT AND COMPANY. 10:15 LECTURE "New perspectives for the internal flexibility in the company." Speaker: Dr.. Salvador del Rey gloves. Professor of Labor and Social Security Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Partner, Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira. 11:00 LECTURE "The control of absences to work (Art. 52 d) ET). Analysis of the jurisprudential doctrine. " Speaker: Hon. Mrs. Rosa Maria Piñol Virol. Judge of the Fourth Chamber of the Supreme Court. 11.30 Break 11:45 LECTURE "Protection of fundamental rights jurisdiction and its impact on the contract termination. Reflex in unifying the case law. " Speaker: Hon. Mr. Fernando Salinas Molina. Judge of the Fourth Chamber of the Supreme Court. 12:15 LECTURE "The difficult balance between the power management of the employer and employee rights arising from Motherhood. " Speaker: Hon. Mrs. Maria Luisa Segoviano Astaburuaga. Judge of the Fourth Chamber of the Court Supreme. 12:45 JOINT COLLOQUIUM LUNCH-BREAK Afternoon PANEL 2: SOCIAL SECURITY / PROCESS. 16:00 LECTURE "Permanent disability: Compatibility / Incompatibility with work. Analysis of the recent doctrine jurisprudence. " Speaker: Hon. Mr. Jordi Agustí Julià. Judge of the Fourth Chamber of the Supreme Court. 16:30 LECTURE "Pension Scheme: Early, partial and Forced. Critical points. " Speaker: Hon. Mrs. Pose Sara Vidal. Judge of the Social Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice Catalonia. 17.00 "The use of supplication: Questions current practices." Speaker: Hon. Mr. Juana Molina-Garcia ATANCE. Judge of the Social Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Aragon. 17:30 LECTURE "The powers shared between the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction and Social Competence." Speaker: Hon. Mr. Emilio V. Berlanga Ribelles. President of the Chamber of Administrative Litigation Supreme Court of Catalonia. 18:15 JOINT COLLOQUIUM
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