La Pineda Playa
Leisure, tourism and weekend
Hotels and Aparthotels
Apartment, camping and other
Beaches and nudist beaches
Hotels and Aparthotels
· Hotels and Aparthotels in Cambrils
· Cheap hotel in Cambrils
· Boutique Hotels
· Spas near Cambrils
· Hotels and Aparhotels in Salou
· Hotels and Aparthotels in Pineda Playa
· Hotels in Reus
· Hotels and Aparthotels in Tarragona
· Hotels in in other towns of Costa Dorada
· Hotels in other locations in Ebro Delta River
Apartment, camping and other
· Apartaments in Cambrils
· Serviced apartments elderly
· Camping in Cambrils
· Bungalow park near Cambrils
· Summer camps in Cambrils
· Summer camps near Cambrils
· Holiday cottages near Cambrils
· Hostels near Cambrils
· Shelters near Cambrils
· Apartment, camping and other in Salou
· Apartment, camping and other in Pineda Playa
· Apartment, camping and other in Tarragona
· Apartment, camping and others in other towns of Costa Dorada
Beaches and nudist beaches
· Cambrils beaches
· Bars on the beaches of Cambrils
· Activities on the beach
· Get ready to go to the beach
· Nude beaches near Cambrils
· Beaches and nude beaches in Salou
· Beaches and nude beaches in Pineda Playa
· Beaches and nude beaches in Tarragona
· Beaches and nude beaches in other towns of Costa Dorada
Cambrils / Diary / 4.Reus
Reus. Art and antiques Show.
04 February 2011
Art Show & Antiques Show, at Fira de Reus, opening times: Fridays, from 5 pm to 9 pm, Saturdays and Sundays, from 11 am to 8 pm, admission fee: €3, further information at
Reus. Public shows cycle.
03 February 2011
9:00pm SERIES OF SHOWS PUBLIC # 1 (REUS) Oriol Nogues Centre d'Art Cal Masso
Reus. Art and antiques Show.
30 January 2011
Art Show & Antiques Show, at Fira de Reus, opening times: Fridays, from 5 pm to 9 pm, Saturdays and Sundays, from 11 am to 8 pm, admission fee: €3, further information at
Reus. Teatro Fortuny. Puppets.
29 January 2011
Dissabte, 29 de gener 11:00 Puppets PARAULES DE CARAMEL Puppets of Maria Parrato . Second session from 1.00 pm Teatre Fortuny
Reus. Art and antiques Show.
29 January 2011
Art Show & Antiques Show, at Fira de Reus, opening times: Fridays, from 5 pm to 9 pm, Saturdays and Sundays, from 11 am to 8 pm, admission fee: €3, further information at
Reus. Biblioteca Central. Poetry.
28 gener 2011
Divendres, 28 de gener 20:00 PRESENTACIÓ POEMARIS VESTIGIS XII ORLANDO NATURAL de Rosina Ballester i Mireia Vidal-Conte, respectivament Biblioteca Central de Reus Xavier Amorós
Reus. Bravium Teatre. Màgia.
28 gener 2011
21:00 ESPURNES DE MÀGIA AL BAR a càrrec de l'Associació de Mags i Il·lusionistes de Catalunya Bravium Teatre
Reus. El racó de la Palma. Concert.
28 gener 2011
22:30 MÚSICA SOM DO GALPÓM El Racó de La Palma
Reus. Saló d'Art i anticuaris.
28 gener 2011
Saló d'Art & Antiquaris, a la Fira de Reus, horari: divendres, de 17 a 21h, dissabtes i diumenges, d'11 a 20h, entrada: 3€, més informació a
Reus. Biblioteca Central. Presentació de Llibre.
25 gener 2011
Dimarts, 25 de gener 20:00 PRESENTACIÓ DE LLIBRE LA PRINCESA DE JADE de Coia Valls Biblioteca Central de Reus Xavier Amorós
Reus. Bravium teatre. Concert.
23 gener 2011
Reus. Bravium Teatre. Concert Liric.
23 gener 2011
Concert líric. Àrias d'òpera i Sarsuela, amb Esther Martínez Vila (soprano) i Medir Bonachi Banús (piano), a les 18:30h al Bràvium Teatre, més informació a
Reus. Teatre Fortuny. Theater.
21 January 2011
9:00pm THEATRE The Cherry Orchard Anton Txèhov under the direction of Julio Manrique Fortuny Theatre
Reus. Library. Tale-telling.
19 January 2011
Wednesday, January 19 6:00pm STORY TIME TALES FOR EQUALITY Martina Storyteller Central Library Reus Xavier Amoros
Reus. Bravium Teatro. BROTS.
16 January 2011
Theatre play: BROTS- featuring Toni Albà, Fermí Fernandes, Gerard Domènech and Xavier Macaya, direction: Watashi Tachi, at Bravium Theatre; timetable: 13th and 14th January, at 9 pm; 15th January, at 6 pm and 9 pm; 16th January, at 6 pm, in Catalan, further information at
Reus. Bravium Teatro. BROTS.
15 January 2011
Theatre play: BROTS- featuring Toni Albà, Fermí Fernandes, Gerard Domènech and Xavier Macaya, direction: Watashi Tachi, at Bravium Theatre; timetable: 13th and 14th January, at 9 pm; 15th January, at 6 pm and 9 pm; 16th January, at 6 pm, in Catalan, further information at
Reus. Theater days.
15 January 2011
Saturday, January 15 12:00 THEATRE THE HAPPY PRINCE Oscar Wilde, by the Company's Spinning Joint Theater 6:00pm THEATRE Disease Toni Albà, Fermin Fernandes, Gerard Domenech and Javier Macaya Second representation from 21.30 hours Bravium Theatre 6pm THEATRE NOCHE DE SAN JUAN Dagoll Dagom. Second representation from 21.30 ho...
Reus. Bravium Teatro. BROTS.
14 January 2011
Theatre play: BROTS- featuring Toni Albà, Fermí Fernandes, Gerard Domènech and Xavier Macaya, direction: Watashi Tachi, at Bravium Theatre; timetable: 13th and 14th January, at 9 pm; 15th January, at 6 pm and 9 pm; 16th January, at 6 pm, in Catalan, further information at
Reus. Bravium Teatro. BROTS.
13 January 2011
Theatre play: BROTS- featuring Toni Albà, Fermí Fernandes, Gerard Domènech and Xavier Macaya, direction: Watashi Tachi, at Bravium Theatre; timetable: 13th and 14th January, at 9 pm; 15th January, at 6 pm and 9 pm; 16th January, at 6 pm, in Catalan, further information at
Reus. Performance of Els Pastorets.
09 January 2011
Performance of "Pastorets, una comèdia divina" (free version of "L'adveniment de l'Infant Jesus", Christmas play, by Josep M. Folch i Torres), direction: Enrique Novials, at the theater of the Orfeó Reusenc; timetable: Friday, at 8.30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, at 6.30 pm, in Catalan
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